Preparing your environment

The environment suggested for the GeoNode installation is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

It can be either a real physical machine or a virtual machine.

If you intend to use virtual machine we suggest the use of Vagrant

Setup a Vagrant machine on Mac OsX

We suggest to use Ubuntu 12.04 as guest operating system on the vagrant machine. Once the machine is started you can access it via vagrant ssh.

Install geonode via:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geonode/release
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install geonode

Due to a character encoding bug between Vagrant and the OsX the database password and the secret_key are invalid so we need to correct them manually and change the database password.

Edit the local_settings file:

$ sudo nano /etc/geonode/

Edit the DATABASE_PASSWORD with another one and the SECRET_KEY with something of your choice.

Edit the geonode role’s password in postgres using the same used in the local_settings:

$ sudo su postgres
$ psql -c "alter role geonode with password 'yourpassword';"
$ exit

Launch the command to change the SITEURL directive in to http://localhost:4567 and restart apache among other things.

$ sudo geonode-updateip localhost:4567

Launch the Geonode command to create a new superuser account within Django for GeoNode

$ geonode createsuperuser

Then exit the machine and shut it down with:

$ vagrant halt

Edit the Vagrantfile and activate the machine sharing with the host like: :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 4567

Start the machine up. Now you should be able to reach and use geonode on at the address http://localhost:4567 on your host machine.

Setup a VirtualBox VM

We suggest to use Ubuntu 12.04 as guest operating system on the VirtualBox virtual machine. To install this in the VM, please follow the Quick Installation Guide instructions.

Once this is completed and your Geonode is working within your VM, turn off the VM, go to the Network tab in VM settings and click the port forwarding button.

In there add a rule which forwards the address and port which Geonode runs on (this is by default and forward to a port that your native system isn’t using. Such port could be

After this you should be able to access your Geonode running from a VirtualBox VM in your native environment’s browser.

Setup a VMware Machine

Currently in VMware Player, there is no facility to setup port forwarding, so Bridged Connection is neccessary.

We suggest to use Ubuntu 12.04 as guest operating system on the VMWare Machine. To install this in the VM, please follow the Quick Installation Guide instructions.

Once this is completed and your Geonode is working within your VM, go to the settings of the VM and enable Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network.

After this you should be able to access your Geonode running from a VMware VM in your native environment’s browser.