Quick Installation Guide

The following is a quick guide to get GeoNode up and running in most common operating systems. This is meant to be run on a fresh machine with no previously installated packages or GeoNode versions.



The easiest way to get the .deb is to install it using APT, the standard installation management tool for Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems.

  1. First, make sure you have the add-apt-repository binary available.

    1. On Ubuntu 12.04 and older:

      sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
    2. On Ubuntu 12.10 and later:

      sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
  2. Set up the GeoNode PPA repository (you only need to do this once; the repository will still be available for upgrades later):

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geonode/release
  3. Install the package. This step will also automatically download all necessary dependencies:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install geonode
  4. Create a superuser and set the IP address
    1. $ geonode createsuperuser
    2. $ sudo geonode-updateip
  5. Read the Admin Docs


Windows, OSX and others


To install in Windows it is assumed you’re familiar with python development and virtualenv on Windows and that you’re familiar with the windows command prompt. You will need the follow prerequists installed:

Install and configure from the windows command prompt, if you don’t already have python virtualenv installed, then do it now:

easy_install virtualenv

Create virtualenv and activate it:

cd <Directory to install the virtualenv & geonode into>
virtualenv venvvenv\scripts\activate

Clone GeoNode:

git clone https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode.git

cd geonode

Install Python native dependencies, this command will look for and install binary distributions (pip install will attempt to build and fail):

pip install paver
paver win_install_deps
Go back to the parent directory
cd ..

Install GeoNode in the local virtualenv:

pip install -e geonode --use-mirrors
cd geonode

Compile GeoServer:

paver setup

Start the servers, Windows will most likely require the full java path:

paver start --java_path="C:\path\to\java\java.exe"

Once the package is installed, please consult configure_installation to learn how to create an account for the admin user and tweak the settings to get more performance.


The recommended install method in these platforms is to use a virtualization solution, like Virtual Box, install the latest Ubuntu Linux and then proceed with the steps mentioned above. Some GeoNode developers prefer to use Vagrant - a VirtualBox wrapper, the steps for this are detailed below. The Vagrant quickstart guide shows how to get a Linux VM configured in most operating systems. However, if you would like to develop natively on OSX please follow the following instructions.

You may need brew install various dependencies:

mkdir -p ~/pyenv
virtualenv ~/pyenv/geonode
source ~/pyenv/geonode/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode
cd geonode
pip install lxml
pip install pyproj
pip install nose
pip install httplib2
pip install shapely
pip install pillow
pip install paver

Node and tools required for static development:

brew install node
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli

Install pip dependencies:

pip install -e .

Paver handles dependencies for Geonode, first setup (this will download and update your python dependencies - ensure you’re in a virtualenv):

paver setup
paver start

Optional: To generate document thumbnails for PDFs and other ghostscripts file types, download ghostscript: https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/9980/gpl-ghostscript:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick
brew install imagemagick
pip install Wand==0.3.5

Once fully started, you should see a message indicating the address of your geonode. The default username and password are admin and admin:

Development GeoNode is running at http://localhost:8000/
The GeoNode is an unstoppable machine
Press CTRL-C to shut down

Before starting GeoNode (paver start), you could test your installation by running tests:

paver test
paver test_integration

In case you want to build yourself the documentation, you need to install Sphinx and the run ‘make html’ from within the docs directory:

pip install Sphinx
cd docs
make html

You can eventually generate a pdf containing the whole documentation set. For this purpose, if using Ubuntu 12.4 you will need to install the texlive-full package:

sudo apt-get install texlive-full
make latexpdf


When running virtualenv venv the --system-site-packages option is not required. If not enabled, the bootstrap script will sandbox your virtual environment from any packages that are installed in the system, useful if you have incompatible versions of libraries such as Django installed system-wide. On the other hand, most of the times it is useful to use a version of the Python Imaging Library provided by your operating system vendor, or packaged other than on PyPI. When in doubt, however, just leave this option out.


CentOS/RHEL and other *nix distros

We recommend you to download the latest release and modify the included install.sh and support/config.sh. GeoNode has been installed in CentOS/RHEL using this mechanism.

Once the package is installed, please consult the configure_installation to learn how to create the admin user and tweak the settings to get more performance.